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System 7 LARP will be sold on but it's currently still in development.

March 30th 2024 Update: I just ordered the 4th test print from DriveThruCards. This should be the final test print for the Core Set (Player, NPC and Utility) in standard art format. It should arrive in 3-7 weeks and if it's satisfactory, I will launch the core set and order the final test prints for the next expansions.

Core Set Player
Core Set NPC
Core Set Utility
Human Forced
A Funny Shade of Red
All Hallows Eve
Artificial And Synthetic
Blade and Board
Broken Shards
By the Gods
Chips of Power
Dark Forces
Epic Powers
From Above
Harmony of Soul
Isolated Ideas
More of Us
Neon Samurai
NPC II More Bodies
NPC III Soul Factory
Other Realms
Post Rigamostis
Shadows of Blood
The Garden
Tucked in the Corners
Without Malice
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What Should I buy?

Storetellers/LARP Club Owners

Ideally, you get enough copies of Core Set: NPC that you have 1 per Crew member. Then every Crew Member can be issued a copy of the NPC they are playing. You should get a few copies of Core Set: Player, so you can modify NPCs. If you are familiar with the system you may find you would also like 1 copy per Crew member so you can modify all the NPCs at once. Finally you need many copies of Core Set: Utility. These are Cards like the Character Card and Ghost Card that every single Player needs for each of their Characters.

At the very least you are going to want 1 copy of System 7 LARP: Shards. This gives you access to all the possible cards you can learn. If you are after doubles or triples of a Card, you might be able to trade or purchase them from other Players or the club.

Another way of handling Shards is for the club to buy all the cards and then sell the Shards to the Players as they learn them.


Each expansion is an opportunity to allow new content into the game. You can have a lot of fun with this and make new Cards only available at special events, at least at first, creating great draw for attendance at those events. For example, Halloween Cards released during a Halloween event would be great fun.

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Standard or Full Art?
This is up to you. Which do you like better?Both types of Cards function exactly the same so you are not losing out, no matter which choice you make.

Every set and every Single Card is sold both in Standard Art with a border, and the borderless Full-Art Card.

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